Randeep Hooda was recently seen in Swatantrya Veer Savarkar. The actor shared screen space with Alia Bhatt in Imtiaz Ali's 2014 film Highway. When Alia was called a 'mediocre' actor by Kangana Ranaut in 2019, Randeep had tweeted in Alia's defence. Now, in an interview to Siddharth Kannan, Randeep spoke about why he defended Alia, when she was 'targeted' by Kangana. Also read: Alia Bhatt doesn’t regret sending flowers to Kangana Ranaut
When asked why he stood up for Alia Bhatt, Randeep said in Hindi, “While making Highway, I developed a spiritual bond with Alia. I don’t know if it’s the same for her. That’s up to her. I can only speak for myself. I have seen that she has always tries to do new things. I stood up for Alia genuinely because she was unfairly targeted (by Kangana Ranaut).”
He then added, “To target your fellow actors or your colleagues or your fraternity over things that you feel you did not get, even though I think you did get a lot from this industry, it’s just unbecoming. I felt that I should do it (defend Alia) and I did it. I did not think about it so deeply. I think she (Alia) tries every time,” he said.
Back in 2019, Kangana Ranaut slammed Alia Bhatt’s performance in Gully Boy and called it 'mediocre'. At the time, entertainment website Bollywood Life ran a poll asking fans to vote for the best performance by a female actor in 2019. Kangana won the poll with 37 percent votes for her performance in Manikarnika. Alia stood second with 33 percent votes.
When the publication contacted Kangana for reaction on beating Alia, she said, “I am embarrassed... what is there to beat in her Gully Boy performance... same snappy muh phat (outspoken) girl... Bollywood’s idea of a fiery girl, woman empowerment and good acting, spare me this embarrassment, please. Media has taken filmy kids love too far. Stop pampering mediocre work or else bar will never be raised.”
At the time, Alia responded to Kangana’s statement. Alia had told Bollywood Hungama, “I respect Kangana’s work a lot and I respect her opinion. If she feels a particular way, she must have a reason to feel that way. I would rather remember how much she had praised me after watching Raazi. And I’d just like to focus on my work. Maybe she will appreciate me again if I work hard enough.”
In 2019, Randeep Hooda took to X (Formerly Twitter) and defended Alia by writing, “Dearest Alia, I’m so glad you are not letting the opinions of very occasional actors and chronic victims affect you and your work .. kudos to you for your continued efforts to outdo yourself.” Alia acknowledged his support and wrote, “Randy (smiling face with open arms emojis)."
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