In a troubling incident under the jurisdiction of Chandaus Police Station, three 14-year-old girls from a local village, studying in Class 9 at Gandhi Inter College, went to school on January 2. Unfortunately, due to arriving late, they found the college gate closed and were unable to attend classes. With no other option, the girls decided to return to their village and started walking back around 11 a.m.
As they were on their way home, two young men from the town began following them on a motorcycle. The accused reportedly belonged to a particular community and allegedly tried to intimidate and harass the girls, making them feel unsafe. The situation escalated as the men continued to follow them, causing the students significant distress. Despite this, the girls displayed courage and managed to reach their village safely.
The matter was brought to light when the families of the girls reported the incident to the police. Acting on the complaint, the police arrested one of the accused, Furman, on January 3. He was presented in court and subsequently sent to jail. However, the second accused, Afsar, remains at large, and the police are actively conducting searches to locate and arrest him.
This incident has created a wave of concern in the community, with locals expressing outrage over the harassment of the young girls. The families of the victims, along with other villagers, have demanded strict and immediate action to ensure the safety of students and prevent such incidents from happening in the future.