A massive fire broke out late Tuesday night in a warehouse located in the Muhammedabad Gohna area of Mau district, Uttar Pradesh. The fire, suspected to have started around midnight, quickly intensified, engulfing the entire warehouse. Despite continuous efforts by the fire brigade, the flames remained uncontrollable as of Wednesday morning, creating panic among local residents.
The warehouse, owned by businessman Saiyyam Khan, was used to store essential items such as mustard oil, soap, and biscuits. Local residents first noticed smoke rising from the warehouse and informed Saiyyam Khan, who immediately alerted the police and fire brigade. Upon opening the warehouse, a massive blaze was discovered, shocking onlookers.
Firefighters have been working tirelessly since late Tuesday night to control the flames, but the intensity of the fire has made their task challenging. The situation has caused widespread concern in the area, with people afraid to go near the site due to the raging flames. The blaze has also led to significant disruption in the locality.
The sight of his warehouse burning brought tears to Saiyyam Khan’s eyes as a large crowd gathered to witness the devastating incident. Sympathetic locals tried to console him while firefighters continued their relentless efforts to douse the fire. The exact cause of the fire remains unknown, and efforts to bring the situation under control are still underway.