The tragic death of medical student Lalit has left his fellow students in deep sorrow and anger. His peers are holding government departments responsible for the unfortunate incident, blaming their negligence. According to students, most MBBS students in their first, second, and third years reside in the Paramedical Hostel, but the surrounding area remains poorly lit, lacking both streetlights and speed breakers. The darkness in the area has led to frequent accidents.
The road leading to the Paramedical College has a dangerous blind turn, and without speed breakers, heavy vehicles often travel at high speeds. On the day of the incident, a speeding tractor-trolley coming from the Garhmau side hit Lalit. His friends, Hariom Pandey, Pankaj Singh, and Abhishek Chaudhary, were lucky to escape unharmed.
Medical students have repeatedly raised concerns about the lack of safety measures in the area. They have requested the installation of speed breakers and streetlights to prevent accidents, but their appeals have fallen on deaf ears. The absence of these measures continues to pose a risk to students' safety