In a shocking incident in Jhansi, a short circuit while charging an electric car caused a massive fire that destroyed property worth lakhs. The incident took place in Bhampura village, Mauranipur, early Wednesday morning. The fire spread rapidly, engulfing nearby objects and causing significant damage.
The fire brigade and Mauranipur police were alerted and rushed to the scene. After several hours of efforts, they managed to bring the fire under control. Despite their efforts, numerous valuable items, including furniture and personal belongings, were completely destroyed in the blaze.
Manish Gupta, a resident of Bhampura village, had plugged in the electric car for charging near his home. He stated that the fire started around 3:00 AM due to a short circuit. As the flames spread, it quickly consumed nearby objects, resulting in a significant financial loss.
Mauranipur police station in-charge, Shivkumar Rathore, confirmed that an investigation is ongoing to determine the exact cause of the fire. The incident highlights the potential risks of charging electric vehicles and the importance of safety precautions.