The Mahakumbh Mela area has been officially declared as the 76th district of Uttar Pradesh, marking a historic decision by the Yogi Adityanath government. Separated from Prayagraj, this newly established district has been created to ensure the seamless management and organization of the grand Kumbh Mela, a globally renowned event that draws millions of devotees, tourists, and pilgrims. The new district has been notified under the Uttar Pradesh Prayagraj Mela Authority Act, 2017, Section 2(f), reflecting the government's proactive approach to improving infrastructure and administration for such a significant cultural and religious gathering.
Prayagraj's District Magistrate, Ravindra Kumar Mandar, issued the official order for the formation of this district, defining its boundaries and emphasizing its role in managing the vast crowds and logistical complexities associated with the event. The district will have its own District Magistrate (DM) and Superintendent of Police (SP) appointed to oversee its operations, ensuring law and order, resource allocation, and effective coordination.
The establishment of the Mahakumbh Mela district underscores the state's dedication to creating a world-class experience for visitors while preserving the sanctity and traditions of this iconic event. This move is expected to bring numerous benefits, including enhanced management, better security, and improved facilities, making the Mahakumbh Mela an even more memorable experience for attendees.