A devastating accident occurred on Wednesday night in Shahjahanpur's Madnapur area on the Bareilly-Farrukhabad State Highway. A car collided head-on with a truck while trying to avoid a stray animal on the road. The accident claimed the lives of five people, including two young children, and left five others critically injured.
The victims included Riyasat Ali (40), a businessman, his wife Amna Begum (38), daughters Gudiya (6) and Khushi (10), and Noor (6), the daughter of a family friend. The group was traveling to Delhi to attend a wedding when the incident occurred near Barkheda Jaipal village. Riyasat was driving the car at the time of the collision.
The accident happened around 10 PM when a stray animal suddenly appeared on the road. While trying to avoid the animal, the car veered into the path of an oncoming truck, resulting in a fatal crash. The impact was so severe that the car was completely wrecked. Passersby informed the police, who immediately rushed the injured to the hospital.
The injured were taken to the Government Medical College, where doctors declared five of them dead. The remaining passengers are undergoing treatment, and their condition is critical. The police have detained the truck driver, and an investigation is underway. The incident has left the families of the deceased in mourning, highlighting the dangers of stray animals on highways.